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GE3151 Problem Solving And Python Programming Important Questions 2025: The most important GE3151 Problem Solving And Python Programming 2-mark and 16-mark questions were curated specifically for Anna University Regulations 2021. These key questions are essential for 1st Semester Engineering Physics exams for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Anna University Exam Time Table for 1st Year 2025
Anna University has officially announced the exam timetables for the non-autonomous college. Here is the Anna University UG timetable for 1st-year students under regulation 2021. The timetable for the first year is common for all departments. The exam starts in the second week of February in the year 2025 and ends in the last week of February of the year 2025.
Subject Code | Subject Name | Exam Date | Session |
GE3152 | Heritage of Tamil | 12-FEB-25 | FN |
CY3151 | Engineering Chemistry | 17-FEB-25 | FN |
PH3151 | Engineering Physics | 19-FEB-25 | FN |
HS3152 | Professional English-1 | 21-FEB-25 | FN |
MA3151 | Matrices and Calculus | 22-FEB-25 | FN |
GE3151 | Problem-Solving Using Python Programming | 24-FEB-25 | FN |
GE3151: Problem Solving And Python Programming Previous Year Question for 2024-25
Additionally, practicing previous year’s question papers allows you to become aware of the exam format, the types of questions asked, and the level of difficulty. It can help you identify your strengths and mistakes, leading you to concentrate on areas that need greater attention.
Make the most of the GE3151 Problem Solving And Python Programming Question Paper for the academic year 2024-25 by performing concentrated study time to answer it in exam-like settings. This practice will boost your confidence and improve your overall performance on the actual exam.
- GE3151 Problem Solving Using Python Programming Jan 2022 Question Paper- Click Here
- GE3151 Problem Solving Using Python Programming April/May 2022 Question Paper- Click Here
- GE3151 Problem Solving Using Python Programming Nov/Dec 2022 Question Paper- Click Here
- GE3151 Problem Solving Using Python Programming Nov/Dec 2022 Question Paper- Click Here
- GE3151 Problem Solving Using Python Programming April/May 2023 Question Paper- Click Here
- GE3151 Problem Solving Using Python Programming Nov/Dec 2023 Question Paper- Click Here
Remember to approach the question paper consciously, follow the directions carefully, and spend adequate time on each part. Effort, practice, as well as dedication, are essential for success in any examination.
GE3151: Problem Solving And Python Programming Important Question for 2024-25
Are you a student preparing for Anna University’s 1st-semester examination for the academic year 2024-25? If so, you might be searching for the papers and important questions to practice and familiarize yourself with the exam pattern. Look no further! We have made Anna University’s 1st-semester GE3151 Problem Solving And Python Programming Important Question for 2024-25 available for download in PDF format.
- MA3151: Matrices and Calculus Important Questions – Click Here
- PH3151: Engineering Physics Important Questions – Click Here
Unit-1 (Computational Thinking and Problem Solving)
2 Marks
- Write an algorithm to accept two numbers, compute the sum, and print the result.
- Define an iterative statement.
- Write the algorithm to find the smallest among the three.
- Which is better: iteration or recursion? Justify your answer.
- How does the flow of control work?
- Explain the tower of Hanoi problem.
- Write an algorithm to find the sum of the first ‘’N’ natural numbers.
- Distinguish between the top-down approach and the bottom-up approach to design an algorithm.
- State the qualities of a good algorithm.
- Enumerate strategies involved in developing algorithms.
- What is an algorithm?
- What are simple strategies for developing algorithms?
16 Marks
- Draw the flow chart to accept three distinct numbers, find the greatest,,t, and print the result. (8mark)
- Draw a flow chart to find the sum of the series 1+2+3+4+5+….+100. (8 mark)
- State the Towers of Hanoi problem. Outline a solution to the Towers of Hanoi problem with relevant diagrams. (16 mark)
- List the control flow statements in Pyh=thon and explain repetition type in detail with a sample program. (16 mark)
- What is recursion? Write and explain a Python program to find the factorial of numbers using recursion. (16 mark)
- Compare and contrast machine language, assembly languages, and high-level language in detail. (16 mark)
- Give the difference between recursion and iteration. (16 mark)
- Explain in detail about the Notation of Algorithm.
- Explain the different building blocks of algorithms with their notations. (10 mark)
- Write an algorithm to find an element in the given set of numbers (6 mark)
- What is meant by recursion? Write a recursive algorithm to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem. (8 mark)
- Draw a flowchart to check if the given word is in palindrome. (8 mark)
- Briefly describe iteration and recursion. Illustrate with an example. (8 mark)
- Write an algorithm and give the flowchart to find the net salary of an employee. (8 mark)
- write the pseudocode for the following: (1) Find the maximum in a list (2) Towers of Hanoi. (8 mark)
- What are the building blocks of the algorithm, explain in detail. (6 mark)
- Discuss the various processes to the smallest value in the list a=[18,52,23,41,32] and write a simple Python program for the same. (10 mark)
- Explain the logic of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle write a simple Python program for the same and mention the time complexity. (12 mark)
- Define the computational problem and how these problems are classified. (4 mark)
Unit-2 (Data Types, Expressions, Statements)
2 Marks
- List the various single-valued data types in Python.
- What is an indentation in Python? Give an example.
- What are the rules for writing an identifier?
- Mention the types of arguments used in Python.
- What is a slicing operator in Python? Give an example.
- Python variables do not have specific types. Justify this statement using an example.
- Illustrate the use of * and + operators in a string with an example.
- Comment with an example of the use of local and global variables with the same identifier name.
- List any four built-in data types in Python?
- How do you assign a value in a tuple in Python?
- Are comments executable statements in a Python program? How are comments included in a Python program?
- Identify the operand(s) and operator(s) in the following expression: sum=a+b
16 Marks
- Outline the data types supported by Python with an example. (16 mark)
- Name the types of operators supported by Python and outline any two with an Example. (16 mark)
- Why do we call Python an interpreted and object-oriented programming language? Also, explain Interactive Python.
- Write and explain the Python program to swap two numbers with and without temporary variables. (16 mark)
- What is the role of an interpreter? Give a detailed note of the Python interpreter and interactive mode of operation. Explain how Python works in interactive mode and script mode with examples. (16 mark)
- Explain in detail about the precedence of python operators and the associativity of Python operators. (16 mark)
- Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation given the coefficients a,b,c. (8 mark)
- Describe the shift and logical operators used in Python with examples. (8 mark)
- Elaborate on membership, identity,y, and bitwise operators of Python with suitable examples. (12 mark)
- Write a program to print the digit at one’s place of a number. (4 mark)
- List down the rules for naming the variable with example. (8 mark)
- Write a Python program to check whether a given year is a leap year or not. (8 mark)
- Explain the Python interpreter and interactive mode in detail. (12 mark)
- What operator has the highest precedence in Python? (4 mark)
- Write a Python program to calculate the distance between two points. (8 mark)
- Explain the different boolean and bitwise operator types in Python? (8 mark)
Unit-3 (Control Flow, Functions, Strings)
2 Marks
- Name the two types of iterative statements supported by Python.
- Define a recursive function.
- What is the purpose of the pass statement in Python?
- What is linear search?
- Define fruitful function.
- Comment with an example on the use of the local and globalvariablese with the same identifier name.
- Write a program to add two matrices.
- Write the simple function to multiply two numbers in Python.
- Compare return value and composition.
- Define string immutability.
- Write a for loop that prints the number from 0 to 57 using the range function in Python.
16 Marks
- Outline the conditional branching statements in Python with an example. (16 mark)
- Outline while loop, break statement and continue statement in Python with an Example. (12 mark)
- Write a Python program using the function to find the sum of the first ‘n’ odd numbers and print the result. (4 mark)
- What is the difference between break and continue in Python? Explain with suitable Examples. (16 mark)
- What is a string function in Python Explain any three Python string methods with an example. (16 mark)
- Write a Python program to find the square root of a number without using an inbuilt function and explain the same. (16 mark)
- Write a Python program for linear search and binary search and explain its implementation in detail. (16 mark)
- Describe the conditional branching statements of Python with examples. (8 mark)
- Write the syntax of the while loop and use the same to classify if a given number is prime or not. (8 mark)
- Describe parameter passing in function using examples. (8 mark)
- Discuss the scope and lifetime of variables considering functions. (8 mark)
- Explain the string module. (8 mark)
- Write a program to find the sum and average of an array of numbers. (8 mark)
- Illustrate the different types of control flow statements in Python with flowcharts. (12 mark)
- Explain any two string formats available in Python. (4 mark)
- Discuss the binary search algorithm with time complexity and write a Python to implement the same using the recursive methods. (12 mark)
- Why are strings in Python immutable (4 mark)
Unit-4 (Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries)
2 Marks
- In pPython how the values stored in a list are accessed? Should the elements of a list be of the same data type?
- How does Python’s dictionary store the data? Give examples.
- Give examples of mutable and immutable objects.
- What is the purpose of the dictionary in Python?
- Relate string and list.
- Let the list t=[“a”, “b”, “c”,”d”, “e”, “f”]. Find the following t[1:3] t[:4] t[3:]
- Write a program to create a clone of the list1=[ 1,2,3,4,5,6]
- How are the values of the tuple accessed? Illustrate with an example.
- Define cloning in the list.
- What are the benefits of using tuple assignments in Python?
16 Marks
- Name the operation that can be performed on a list and outline any four with an Example. (16 mark)
- Write separate Python programs to illustrate create, access, concatenate, and delete operations in a tuple. (10 mark)
- Write a Python program to create a dictionary and sort the content based on values in reverse order. (6 mark)
- Define Python Lists. How to add elements to the list? Explain with a suitable program. (16 mark)
- Exthe plain bubble sort algorithm using Python programming. (16 mark)
- Demonstrate with Python code the various operations that can be performed on tuples. (16 mark)
- Define Dictionary in Python code the various operations that can be performed on tuples.
(i) Initialize two dictionaries with key and value pairs.
(ii) Compare two dictionaries with master key list and print missing keys.
(iii) Find keys that are in first and not in second dictionary.
(iv) Find same keys in two dictionaries.
(v) Merge two dictionaries and create a new dictionary using a single expression. (16 mark)
- Describe the addition and deletion operation in a list data structure with examples. (8 mark)
- Write a program that has a nested list to store topper details and display the details.(8 mark)
- Discuss the basic tuple operation with examples. (8 mark)
- Write a program to swap two values using the tuple assignment. (8 mark)
- Explain in detail about lists, operations, and list slices. (16 mark)
- Write a program to generate electricity bill based upon the no. of units consumed. Refer to the table below for unit and price details.
No.of units consumed Price(Domestic) Price(Commercial)
1. Upto 200 units 200 (Base price) 500
2. Units>200 and <500 1100 1700
3. Units>500 <1000 4500 7000
Not: The program should read information from the user. Whether it is for domestic or commercial purposes. (16 mark)
- Discuss the differences and applications of List, Tuple, and Dictionary in Python. (12 mark)
- Explain any cloning list technique in Python. (4 mark)
- Discuss Python dictionaries and list some of their methods. (8 mark)
- Write a simple sorting Python program to sort different data types. (8 mark)
Unit-5 (Files, Modules, Packages)
2 Marks
- Write the syntax for opening a file to write in binary mode.
- What are the different modules in Python?
- List any four Python operations.
- Write the Python program to count the words in a sentence using the split() function.
- How does try and accept work?
- How do you handle the exception inside a program when you try to open a non-existent file?
- Define relative path and absolute path concerning files.
- What are exceptions?
- How do you delete a file in Python?
- How do you use command line arguments to give input to the program?
16 Marks
- Name the different access modes for opening a file and present an outline of the same. (16 mark)
- What is an exception? Elaborate exception handling in Python. (8 mark)
- Write a program to concatenate the contents of two files into a single file. Get the input for files from the user and concatenate it. (8 mark)
- Why does Python require file handling? Explain opening files iPythonon with all modes. (16 mark)
- Give brief notes on Python Exception Handling using try, except, raise, and finally statements. (16 mark)
- Explain the file reading and writing operations using the g format operator with Python code. (16 mark)
- Write a Python program to dump objects to a file using pickle. (16 mark)
- Explain the opening and closing of files in Python using examples. (8 mark)
- Write a program to display the contents of files by performing a split operation whenever a comma is encountered in a file. (8 mark)
- Explain the use of packages and modules in Python with examples. (8 mark)
- Write a program to handle the division by zero exception. (8 mark)
- Write a function that copies file sending and writing to 50 characters at a time. (8 mark)
- Write a Python program to count a number of lines, words, and characters in a text file. (8 mark)
- Write a Python program to implement stack operations using modules. (16 mark)
- Write a simple Python program to count the number of words in the sentence using the split method and list other count methods. (12 mark)
- What are command line arguments in Python? (4 mark)
- Explain in detail Python files the types, functions, and operations that can be performed on files with examples. (12 mark)
- Differentiate between Python modules and packages. (4 mark)
AU Important Questions for 1st Semester Download PDF
Anna University Regulation 2021 important questions for 1st-semester engineering students in the year 2025. All the best for your first 1st-semester examination at Anna University. Here, we have given all the important question banks for Anna University 2021 regulations. You can download the Anna University (AU) regulation 2021 important questions for 1st semester as a PDF. If you’re a first-year Anna University student, use these important questions for your studies.
- GE3151 Problem Solving And Python Programming 2-Marks Important Questions- Click Here
- GE3151 Problem Solving And Python Programming 16-Marks Important Questions- Click Here
- PH3151 Engineering Physics Important Question 2025- Click Here
- MA3151 Matrices and Calculus Important Question 2025- Click Here
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